How Do Computer Graphic Designers Use Geometry

Graphic Design Statistics

Graphic design is omnipresent in today's digital age. Enterprises of all types utilize graphic design via web design, print advertising, social media, and more. For modern designs, business owners, and advertisers, graphic design is a key skill that is highly sought after.

The power of graphic design is evident, and clean, relevant, branded graphics help your brand reach your target audience. To see the incredible benefits of graphic design, it must be done right. Powerful graphics are visually appealing and follow industry standards. Knowing the important graphic design industry trends will help you better understand the field and how to get the most out of your graphic design efforts.

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In this post, we dive into some of the key graphic design statistics that you absolutely need to know. These crucial statistics provide insights into the entire world of graphic design and will help you decide how to best leverage it for your business.

Table of Contents

  • Statistics for the Graphic Design Industry
    • Industry
    • Career
    • Compensation
  • Graphic Design in Businesses
    • General
    • Small Businesses
    • B2B
  • Costs
  • Graphic Design and Consumer Behavior
    • Leading Companies
    • Color and Brand Awareness
  • Website Design
  • Graphic Design in Marketing
    • Social media marketing
  • Rising Graphic Design Trends
  • How to Leverage Graphic Design Statistics

Statistics for the Graphic Design Industry

Graphic design is heavily connected with technology, so it is an industry that is always adapting. Despite many changes, the graphic design industry has shown incredible growth. In this section, we share the statistics about the graphic design career including salaries, growth, and the businesses using it.


  1. The current graphic design market size is $15 billion in the US, and logo designing and branding make up $3 billion of the total market. (Ibis World)
    Graphic Design Statistics - Market Size
  2. Currently, graphic designers hold 290,100 jobs. (College Grad)
  3. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, graphic design jobs are expected to increase by 13 percent between 2010 and 2020, but they will remain competitive because of the popularity of the position. (Chron)
  4. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a graphic designer "created visual concepts and communicates ideas." Many times, a graphic designer can work on anything for logos and websites to flyers, social media graphics, infographics, and beyond. (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  5. There will be a rise in the employment of graphic designers for computer-related design and electronic media fields for up to 35% between 2015 to 2022. (SoftwareFindr)


  1. The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the typical entry-level education is a bachelor's degree. (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  2. When compared to many other fields, on-the-job training is minimal for entry-level graphic designers. (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  3. Due to high competition, many graphic designers are forced to expand into complementary marketing and other services like teaching at local schools. (Brandon Gaille)
  4. In 2018, 22% of graphic designers were self-employed, 10% were in specialized design services, 8% worked in advertising, public relations, and related services, 7% did printing and related support activities, and 5% were newspaper, periodical, book, and directory publishers. (College Grad)


  1. The graphic design industry employment is 177,328. (Ibis World)
  2. From 2015-2020, the average graphic design industry growth was 2.6%. (Ibis World)
  3. The 2019 medium pay for a graphic designer was $27.17 per hour or $56,510 annually. (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
    Graphic Design Statistics - Median Pay
  4. Graphic designers in the 90th percentile earned $42.89 per hour or $89,210 annually in 2019. (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  5. The average salary or a freelance graphic designer is $58,614 per year. (Glassdoor)

Graphic Design in Businesses

Graphic design is a competitive advantage for all kinds of businesses. Businesses of all sizes in all industries are adopting graphic design into their operations. The following statistics review the importance of graphic design for businesses.


  1. 73% of businesses invest in design to help their brand stand out against the competition. (WebFX)
    Graphic Design Statistic - Investments
  2. Adobe reported that 71% of companies are now creating 10x the number of design assets than they did in previous years. This makes the need for graphic designers obvious. (Adobe)
  3. A study by the Design Council discovered that every £100 a design alert business spends on design increases turnover by £225. (Canva)
  4. The manufacturing industry employs 14% of graphic design employees. (SoftwareFindr)

Small Businesses

  1. The vast majority of small businesses consider design important to their success. Only 3% indicated design is "not important." (99designs)
  2. The cost of graphic design is still a concern for small businesses. More than 50% source design work in-house or do it themselves, while 21% use freelancers and 18% run crowd-sourced design contests through platforms. Only 7% work with design agencies. (99designs)
  3. The top barriers of entry for small businesses to use graphic design include lack of regulation, budget cuts, and software. (Chron)
  4. 67% of small businesses are willing to pay $500 for a logo. (SoftwareFindr)
    Graphic Design Statistics - Logo Cost


  1. In the last four years, infographics have made the biggest leap in content usage for B2B marketers. (Content Marketing Institute)
  2. 51% of B2B digital marketers find visual assets to be important for content marketing. (Social Media Examiner)


  1. For freelance graphic designers on UpWork, companies pay anywhere from $20 to $150 an hour. The average rate of a graphic designed on UpWork is $45 per hour. (UpWork)
  2. Businesses should expect to pay a premium for projects with a tight deadline. (UpWork)
  3. While it varies based on the services, most design agencies will cost you $85-$100 per hour. (Freelancer)
  4. Some graphic designers work based on the project, rather than an hourly rate. Project-based rates vary depending on the demands of the project. For a logo design based on a template, you can expect to pay between $150-$450. Logo made from scratch will cost you between $500 and $2,000. (Business 2 Community)
  5. Key qualities to look for in a graphic designer include personal style, versatility, attention to detail, experience/portfolio. (Business 2 Community)

Graphic Design and Consumer Behavior

Visual stimulation, specifically color, affects the human nervous system in unique ways. Using a tailored graphic design strategy and careful use of color, you can create information that conveys your brand message and grasps the attention of consumers. Graphic design and color are not optional, they are necessary to appeal to consumers. The stats below show how visuals can affect consumer perception and influence buying behavior.

  1. Brands have a very short amount of time to make a strong first impression. Visual appeal can be assessed in about 50 milliseconds.
  2. The human brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than words! (T-Sciences)
  3. 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual. (Canva)
  4. 40% of people respond better to visual information than text-only. (Canva)
  5. Standing out right from the start with graphic design is imperative. People make a subconscious judgment about a product within 90 seconds of initially viewing it, and up to 90% of that assessment is based on color alone. (Kissmetrics)
  6. Visual dimension is the #1 influencing factor that affects the purchasing decision for 92.6% of people. (Kissmetrics)
  7. Website design is critical. 42% of online shoppers base their opinion of a website based on the overall design alone, and 52% of shoppers will not return if the overall aesthetics are not up to par. (Neil Patel)
    Graphic Design Statistics - First Impressions
  8. A 2017 LucidPress report noted that consistent design across all the places your brand appears in can increase your revenue and recognition. (LucidPress)
  9. Vision is the top sense, and photos beat text in terms of efficiency. (Brain Rules)
  10. Images and visuals at the key to sharing your information. People on the internet spend more time looking at relevant images than at text. (Social Media Today)

Leading Companies

  1. According to a 99designs survey, the companies with the best logo were Apple, Nike, Coca-Cola, Google, and FedEx. (99designs)
  2. The same survey found consumers preferred the website design of  Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Nike.

Color and Brand Awareness

  1. The right color can improve readership by 40% by making messaging easier to read and more visually appealing. Color is one of the first things our brains recognize from a brand, so it's often the first thing that grabs our attention. (Crowdspring)
  2. Humans are able to process and store images that are in color better than those that are black and white. Color helps us remember images, and consequently brand logos. (Color Com)
  3. A study by the Journal of Medical Science discovered that "color has the potential to increase the chances of environmental stimuli to be encoded, stored, and retrieved successfully." (Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences)

Website Design

A strong website is critical for every business, whether you sell in-person, online, or both. 81% of people start with online research before making a large purchase. That means your website if one of the first opportunities you have to connect with potential customers. While the quality of your content certainly matters, your website design plays a huge role. Graphic design is critical for a successful, high-converting website, as the statistics below demonstrate.

  1. For nearly half of people (46.1%), a website's design is the top criterion for determining the company's credibility. Overall, 75% of your website's credibility is related to design! (Hubspot and WebFX)
  2. Website design is imperative for catching consumer's attention. 94% of first impressions are related to your website's design. (WebFX)
  3. User experience is incredibly important for website design. When you invest in user experience through a site that is beautiful and functional, you earn a $100 return for every $1 spent. (WebFX)
  4. Consumers care about the appearance of your website. 66% of people want to look at a beautifully designed website. (WebFX)
  5. The biggest design mistake businesses make is overcrowding. 85% of small businesses overcrowd their website with too many elements. (Good Firms)

Graphic Design in Marketing

Based on the current market and research, graphic design relates heavily to marketing. All modern marketers should understand the widespread use and implications of graphic design. One of the keys to effective marketing is to incorporate strong graphic design elements, especially with digital marketing.

According to digital marketing experts, American consumers see between 4,000 and 10,000 ads every single day (Forbes). Standing out against the competition in this over-saturated market is a major challenge for marketers, and it is a challenge that graphic design can help address. It's very difficult to appeal to consumers, but striking visual elements can help. These graphic design marketing statistics demonstrate the value of graphic design for the marketing industry.

  1. In 2019, 74% of marketers said that $70+ of their content contains some form of visuals. That's a 10.5% increase in visual content usage from 2018. (Venngage)
  2. Marketers use original graphics 34% of the time. This type of visual content was most effective in helping them reach their marketing goals in 2019. (Venngage)
    Graphic Design Statistics - Original
  3. 29% of marketers use an in-house designer to produce visual content and 15% use a freelancer or contract designer. (Venngage)
  4. The biggest struggle marketers face (43%) when producing engaging content is producing it consistently. Because of this, 44% of marketers found it very difficult to consistently produce visual content for their brand in 2019. (Venngage)

  1. Social media is an incredibly competitive landscape, with over 2.62 billion potential customers, and graphic design is essential for creating a unique profile. (Design Pickle)
  2. 80% of marketers use visual assets in their social media marketing. (Social Media Examiner)
  3. Infographics are liked and shared 3x more on social media. (Social Media Today)
    Graphic Design Statistics - Infographics
  4. On Facebook, content with graphics receives 105% more engagement than links alone. (Social Media Today)
  5. Design Pickle emphasizes the importance of simple design for social media. To prevent overcrowding for social media graphics, use large images, limit to 2 font choices, select 2-3 complementary colors, and use white space to contrast with bold designs. (Design Pickle)
  6. Including at least one image in your Twitter post leads to 150% as more shares. (OK Dork)
  7. Increase Pinterest traffic by 62.5% by adding relevant images to blog content. (Canva)
  8. Infographics are the most shared type of content, and they increase web traffic by 12%. (OK Dork & Demand Gen Report)

Rising Graphic Design Trends

Graphic design adapts with the ever-changing technological environment. Designers must adjust to the needs and desires of consumers and businesses to be successful. 2020 presents some interesting graphic design trends that will change the course of the graphic design industry. Here we explain some of the rising graphic design trends.

  1. According to Ryan Hayward, the designer, and founder of pitchproof, "2020 will feature brighter & bolder colors than ever before! As the value of design rises, brands are going crazier and wackier than ever with colors to attempt to stand out from the crowd."
  2. Lines are a fundamental part of graphic design, and graphic design is making a return to its roots. Designs are moving toward stable geometry with a modern, futuristic look. (99designs)
  3. Formerly, the minimalist design took hold. Now, there is a growing need to offer a more personalized connection through design. (99designs)

How to Leverage Graphic Design Statistics

The graphic design statistics in this post outline very clear importance for the need of graphic design and the bright future of the industry. Graphic designers will continue to be important for business' marketing, websites, social media, and more.

It is evident that graphic design is increasingly important for competing in the digital landscape and for grabbing the attention of website visitors. Graphic design builds your brand awareness and credibility, which in turn allows you to form strong, trust-filled relationships with your target customers.

To harness the many benefits of graphic design, you need a sound strategy. You will need dedicated, high-performing graphic designers who are able to deliver your brand message through striking visuals. There are many different options for working with graphic designers, and the key is finding one that works well for your business.



How Do Computer Graphic Designers Use Geometry


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